sno bunny



Anon Ymous

Thu Sep 9 01:30:08 2021
— ‘Joe Rogan Is Getting This Completely Wrong,’ Says The Scientist Who Conducted The Vaccine Study
— “He’s taking very careful work about evolutionary scenarios of the future, and from that, erroneously concluding that people should not be vaccinated now,” says Andrew Read, professor of biology and entomology at Pennsylvania State and author of the study.

(*7d115397*):: The problem with these kind of (mad) scientists is that when they find out their studies are being used against a prevailing narrative, they will simply lie because their funding is on the line and because they are simply evil.
> At the moment, the vast majority of the replication is happening in unvaccinated people. You can tell that because the majority of cases in the hospital are unvaccinated individuals.
That is a lie. Frontline healthcare workers are blowing the whistle on this but it’s ignored. If you end up in the hospital within 2 weeks of your vax you’re considered unvaccinated. If you have one shot, you’re unvaccinated. In many cases, the vaccination status is unknown which is automatically unvaxxed category. In other high vax rate countries however, you see most in the hospital are vaccinated. The spin they give that is that if most people are vaccinated, then by statistics most in the hospital will be vaccinated and shrug it off. Or they will just say people need boosters, so they are considered unvaccinated until they get the latest booster.
> Evolution, at the moment, is all happening in the unvaccinated. That’s where the majority of cases are. That’s the majority of transmission. Every time a virus replicates, it can mutate. So the evolution is, right now, occurring in the body of people who are not vaccinated.
This is another lie that completely ignores the fact that most of the country has been exposed to the virus already and has developed antibodies and will continue to be re-exposed and re-generate antibodies even without a vaccine like normal coronavirus exposure. It also ignores the fact that it’s now well known that with Delta and new variants people express the same viral loads whether or not they are vaxxed. That’s complete vaccine failure. Then there are the people that have cross infection immunity from other coronaviruses, and a whole body of random people that are innately immune that you see with every virus, even sketchy stuff like HIV.
> The unvaccinated need to either get vaccinated or socially distance, mask up, stopping transmission. That’s the trick here.
We have over a year of global data showing that none of these things actually measurably stop transmission. When this is pointed out, people will say- well vaccines aren’t perfect. OK then what does immunization even mean? If you have “immunity” but you still get sick or transmit particles like someone without immunity, then the word immunity means nothing and you are a victim of propaganda.
> Even though variants are more likely to emerge in unvaccinated people, a variant from a vaccinated person is still possible. Either way, the answer is vaccines. If a new variant emerges, “we can get second-generation vaccines,” Read accurately points out, as pharmaceutical companies are already developing boosters and second-generation vaccines.
Dude literally just says- well once we acknowledge the vax has failed we’ll just force more on you and call you the problem if you don’t keep taking new shots.
> “I would be delighted, I have to say, to get to the point where the vast majority of the evolution that’s going on is in vaccinated people because there’s only vaccinated people around. If we get to that position in a year or something, we can keep a very good eye out on what evolution is happening. But right now the problem is the unvaccinated.”
Doesn’t care about the science or consequences, only that you ritualistically take all shots available to you forever. Literally wants unvaccinated people to not exist even though it’s basically impossible to be “fully vaccinated” for any coronavirus. Thus, if we get on a treadmill where everyone in a given population not up to date on the vax schedule dies, he will likely consider it a job well done like he does for the chickens because the vaccinated survive, “proving” the vaccines obviously work! Duh!
> “It’s a bizarre line of logic that some hypothetical possibility down the line would hold back lifesaving medicine now. Especially when the vaccines themselves cut down on the amount of virus circulating in the population.”
REALLY doesn’t give a shit about possibly apocalyptic consequences of any of this in humanity. Just take the damn shot, fool!
> We don’t know at the moment how leaky these things are. It’s conceivable that they are actually close to non-leaky.
These are not true immunizing shots like classic (aka real) vaccines are supposed to be. They are by nature extremely leaky, basically 100% leaky for Delta and future variants now.
> I am genuinely shocked. I’ve been doing work for 20 years now on how vaccines might drive the evolution of viruses. There’s nothing in any of that 20 years work that argues in favor of withholding lifesaving vaccines.
This is crypto eugenics. Drive the evolution of viruses to kill the unvaccinated so you can control the biology of the rest, creating sick freak tumor ridden chickens to keep your chicken nuggets cheap and people in the hospital from eating low quality food to justify more human vaxx and God knows what else.
> [It] kept many, many chickens from dying horrible deaths. It was absolutely terrific. And then after 10 years, evolution caused some problems which required a different vaccine, which was developed very quickly. And that held for another 10 years. And then the third generation of vaccine is why your chicken nuggets are still cheap. It’s worked now for 30 or 40 years. And it stopped the virus evolution. Almost certainly the reason it stopped the virus evolution is because it stopped transmission. So even in the chicken case, there’s no argument at all why you’d want to be an unvaccinated chicken.
These are GMO freak show tumor ridden chickens that are huge and cheap but taste bland, are stripped of nutritional value and live absolutely miserable, stressful, short lives in small cages. But at least they’re vaccinated!
> Those of us who are very interested in the way the evolution might go, have trouble doing the work, or at least talking about it, because of the concern that people like Joe Rogan will twist it and use it in the wrong way
Guys, he just wants to study eugenics in peace without criticism, ok?
> I think we have a moral obligation as scientists and public health people to look at the evolution going forward, keep a good eye on it, make sure that if anything is happening that we don’t like, that we rapidly develop vaccines to pick it up and sort it out. I can’t see any scenario where we can’t address possible evolutionary consequences by tweaking the vaccines or [by developing] next-generation vaccines. Vaccines are the way out of this.
These guys think they are gods among men. He thinks he has a moral obligation over our bodies, and the only way out is to live like livestock literally to his scientific liking. +public!


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