Tue Nov 2 23:28:21 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: “Concerned citizens say that drug addiction not a crime but an illness. Same citizens also advocate for forced regular injections of chemicals to prevent illness, suggest criminal prosecution for noncompliance. No, seriously.”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Leftists concerned over rise of ‘fascist’ viewpoints among opposition, suggest government use of violence and imprisonment to resolve conflict. No, seriously”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Sitting president speaks out against white supremacy, saying, ‘the white supremasists… should be condemned absolutely.’ Many americans disappointed in speech, saying, ‘he didn’t condemn white supremasists’. No, seriously.”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Millions express relief after election was nearly stolen by ‘criminal despot’, now claim election was ‘most secure in history’. No, seriously”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Thousands of protesters speak out against institutional discrimination by government agencies, propose plan to give government more authority over everyday life. No, seriously.”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Billions bemoan consequences of modern technology in posts to social media made from smartphones powered by coal and lithium and serviced by satellites in space. No, seriously”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Millions of people sit in their air conditioned homes to watch climate change conference on tv’s manufactured in Chinese sweat shop. No, seriously”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Well, I haven’t been attacked by a vampire yet so its must be working”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Millions of people cover faces with unwashed cotton prevent illness. No, seriously”
(*67e9b79f*):: Latest news: +public!