sno bunny



Anon Ymous

Wed Feb 3 15:00:54 2021
(*9d575a1f*):: Gemini going to offer 7.4% APY compounded daily on all crypto held on their site starting about mid-month. No setup or withdrawal fees or minimum balance. Interesting for non-stakeable coins.
(*fc9b5b58*):: What happens when the liquidity providers cannot or will not provide the liquidity, or cannot or will not settle trades.
(*53cf7474*):: +public!
In the Bitcoin lore of old, there was once a meme, now seemingly forgotten: “Any technology which improves upon Bitcoin will simply be adopted by Bitcoin.” In the wake of the block-size wars, where any suggested change to Bitcoin became heresy, this meme was forgotten. The lesson of the Blocksize wars was well learned: don’t change Bitcoin. Bitcoin must remain inviolable. Let’s not learn the lesson too well though. Bitcoin should certainly adopt any technology which even might be valuable. The place to do this is in Bitcoin Layer2, and particularly on sidechains. Is Ethereum a technology “that improves upon Bitcoin”? Who cares, people seem to like it, and even find it useful. It is building network effects
(*53cf7474*):: My suggestion is always create more chaos during the bear (eg DnD the Fork wars)
(*b841432a*):: BlockNets xlitewallet is out today!


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