Sun Apr 19 01:22:20 2020
<9e126bf3> what the fuck is going on <>
— Shocking Report Shows Half The Homeless At Boston Shelter Tested Positive For COVID-19: And None Had Symptoms
— “It was like a double knockout punch. The number of positives was shocking, but the fact that 100 percent of the positives had no symptoms was equally shocking…”
<8f79fcda> Derelicte
<8f79fcda> The fashion line is in
<5547a085> Asymptomatic carriers …
<5547a085> The running conspiracy-conspiracy is the virus is engineered and its possible to remotely activate it with 5G
<5547a085> Thus instantiating a remote switch to control populations of infected and roll out Tyranny with a capital T programmatically
<5547a085> Low social credit score? Activate! Criticize party narrative? Activate!
<5547a085> The ends justify the means and there’d be zero way to stop, plus narratives like Gates’ come forward for more control. Where everyone is lowjacked with a subdermal implant that acts like a triggerable smart contract from a state machine.
<5547a085> Could be a sci fi plot
<5547a085> Truly though, we are breathing shit in all the time. People land in an airplane in Papua New Guinea and get diahorea immediately just from breathing the air. We are alive because our ancestors survived biologically hardened and resolute existences with nature.