Tue May 4 01:06:40 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*58f1b71c*):: Im pretty sure I got the vax from one of my parents.
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*58f1b71c*):: Chels and Ant too
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*67e9b79f*):: How are your balls feeling?
Mon May 3 21:03:03 2021
(*b841432a*):: +public!
(*67e9b79f*):: that’s a good thing
(*67e9b79f*):: maybe she realized how much of an asshole he is
Mon May 3 19:07:37 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public! Press X to doubt
Mon May 3 18:59:17 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 18:57:45 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 18:21:01 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
— Alyssa Milano labelled a ‘white supremacist’ in online viral video
Mon May 3 18:18:35 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 18:07:13 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 17:41:23 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 13:46:33 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*67e9b79f*):: Yup
Mon May 3 13:37:22 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*7d115397*):: Wow so if you test positive with no symptoms it counts as a covid infection but if you take a vaccine and have flu symptoms but never go to the hospital, then you don’t get counted f…
Mon May 3 13:30:08 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*7d115397*):: +public!
Mon May 3 04:35:33 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 04:32:22 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
Mon May 3 03:05:57 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!
(*67e9b79f*):: No more counting VAERS