sno bunny

Author: Anon Ymous


Fri Mar 13 15:23:58 2020
<8f79fcda> Not sure about you, but discussing cleaning and cleaning products might be the best socially acceptable way to discuss how to eradicate communism


Fri Mar 13 15:18:22 2020 <773ab1f1> I gotta tell ya, I’m a little shocked at the speed at which all these politicians caught COVID-19 <773ab1f1> I mean, I dunno why I thought it would be any different. I guess the take away is, during the zombie apoclypse, odds are, the politicians are gonna be hit […]


Fri Mar 13 14:48:28 2020
<75f07d61> The PNW’s power grid offices (BPA) are officially closed to non-essential personal.
All Telework is approved.


Fri Mar 13 14:39:43 2020
<8f79fcda> It’s amazing really. Today you could get knocked out or killed for sneezing on someone
<8f79fcda> Microbe Aggression


Fri Mar 13 13:36:35 2020
<8f79fcda> The price fixing protocols alone are enough to make Marx erect in his grave (thanks fed)


Fri Mar 13 13:18:21 2020 <8f79fcda> Amazing how The outcomes (and solutions) of a viral pandemic are “more communism” <8f79fcda> No freedom of assembly <8f79fcda> No connections unless made through the state approved channels <8f79fcda> State housing via stolen company property (hotels being eminent domain’d for sickies) <8f79fcda> Free money for people (thanks tulsi) <8f79fcda> […]


Fri Mar 13 07:45:17 2020 <8f79fcda> Reestablishing the meaning of the alphabet first. <8f79fcda> Google literally has taken the “alphabet” and turned it into a brand name stock ticker :face_vomiting: <8f79fcda> And then work on environmental logic <8f79fcda> (X,y,z) <8f79fcda> Then temporal logic <8f79fcda> Harmonics <8f79fcda> (Resonant frequencies) <8f79fcda> And system interactions <8f79fcda> Trivium and […]


Fri Mar 13 07:46:38 2020
<5547a085> i got a couple juicy shorts so far
<5547a085> i messed up earlier in the night, clawing my way back
<5547a085> At this 5k price range its stabalizing, its not sure what to do


Fri Mar 13 07:27:08 2020
<8f79fcda> We need to rebuild western education.
<5547a085> How is that best achieved?


Fri Mar 13 07:11:48 2020
<21c2e595> yall ever seen that may views on a ZH article?

<5547a085> The first lady eh?


Fri Mar 13 06:59:12 2020
<9e126bf3> that’s why this is special- is covid natural or planned? It has ultimate plausible deniability capability. It’s almost like a dirty nuke…
<9e126bf3> CCP acts all prepared for what’…


Fri Mar 13 06:42:28 2020
<5547a085> is it really covid tho? wasnt this flashing headlights for the past several years begging for any catalyst?


Fri Mar 13 06:19:47 2020 <6707bcd9> <6707bcd9> That motherfucker who posted the gaslit bullshit claiming America is the source of wuflu is a chicom head of state <6707bcd9> This is exactly what is happening: the spokesman of the chinese foreign ministry is blaming the United States for wuflu <6707bcd9> We need to decouple from china […]


Fri Mar 13 06:05:11 2020
<5547a085> consolidation will be between 4200 and 5400 for the next few 24 hours
<9e126bf3> bruv…

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