Wed Aug 12 21:04:01 2020
<21c2e595> and almost all trumps cabinet members are jewish. imma throw an idea out. if isreal and CCP are at war with controlling the world. and jewish decent owns most of MSM, why wouldnt isreal make the case that CCP is the worst thing in the world, china bad its their fault only! There is NEVER talk about how bad isreal is on MSM, ever. In fact trump even signed an executive order protecting anti-Semitic slander at colleges and other places that receive fed funds. And why is that not encompassed into racism over all and needs its own special order? We dont say anti-black or anti-[insert race here]. its only for the das jews. pretty odd to say the least.
<21c2e595> also i would love to hear one thing trump has done to prove he isnt one of them… :hourglass_flowing_sand: :no_mouth: